Welcome to Ecomac We are the most trusted Construction Chemical Manufacturer
New Age construction chemicals for every scale and kind of constructions build to last Products made to last in challenging Indian climates

Briefly About Ecomac

Macpac Industries is primarily started as a mineral and syntheticoil processing and packing industry in Madras (now Chennai) as its base in 1988. Later on, it diversified its business into variouscustomer oriented segments including chemical trading, road transportation services, material handling, construction, storageand warehousing, solvent recycling, adhesive manufacturingachieving tremendous success and recently ventured into thesegment of manufacturing construction chemicals under the brand name Ecomac with its technologically advanced manufacturing unit at Chinakakani Village in Guntur District, AndhraPradesh. Being backed up by highly qualified staff with hands on experience with the latest cutting-edge technology and with its invaluable experience that it has gained over the years in building up good consumer relationship; Macpac Industries Private Limited operates with its prime focus upon providing quality products and services to maintain healthy customer relations and goodwill.

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Required For

Commercial Products

Products developed taking into consideration of
the climatic profile of the country

Industrial Products

Ecomac products can be preferred over others for the products are economical, easy to use and have a long shelf life while they are non-corrosive and constituted with environmentally friendly compositions


Concrete admixtures are used to improve the behavior of concrete under a variety of conditions

Anchoring Grouts

Setting bolts, handrails, or anything metal to be anchored in concrete. Ideal for repairing loose wrought iron railings

Bonding Adhesive

Adhesive bonding is used to fasten two surfaces together, usually producing a smooth bond.

Surface treatment

altering the molecular constitution of a surface to make it interact with an adhesive, ink, coating, paint or another surface

Repair & Rehabilitation

This involves determining the origin of distress and selecting and applying appropriate repair materials that extend a structure’s life.

Protective coatings

Tthin layers of solid material applied to a substrate, with the coating acting as a barrier to inhibit or prevent corrosion.

Water Proofing Systems

Waterproofing protects structures against water infiltration which can cause expensive and irreversible damage

Cementitious capsules

Cement Capsules are normally used for grouting Roof Bolts in mines and tunnels.

Micro Silica

Microsilica or silica fume is an excellent admixture for concrete as it leads to better engineering properties.

Why Choose Us

Innovative Technology

Ecomac products are designed and formulated using the cutting edge German technology with an aim to deliver maximum perfomance from each product .

Coming of the Age Production Facility

Equipped with highly mechanized & advanced praduction facility & combined with its highly expirienced tech-savvy staff, Ecomac offers products delivering ultimate performance at affardable prices.

Best Industry Standards

We implement the best industrial standards and technologically advanced advanced manufacturing practices to maintain consistency in product quality

24/7 Availability

No matter what the request requirememnt it is , Ecomac makes its mission to respond to its customer's valuble queries and stives to achive swift resolution in all the aspects on real time basis.

Unparalleled product Performance

Ecomac Guarantees superior performence from all its products and strives to achieve maximum customer satisfaction

Customer Oriented

Ecomac focussed upon each and every customer's individual requirement and offer tallor -made solution that serves the purpose in the most efficient manner

Commercial Projects
Residential Projects
0 +
Hard Working Employees
Happy Clients

Our Clientele

We have worked with some big names in the construction industry

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